The COINTELPRO (Counter-Intelligence-Program) of the FBI/CIA/NSA Controls Opposition in Every Field on Every Issue, and Purposely Discredits Itself to Engineer a CULTure of Disbelievers in Truth.
“COINTELPRO is the quintessential CULTural black-op. . . .
It evolved with the CIA’s MKULTRA Program to restrain populations opposed to matters of political importance. Thus, nearly everyone became a member of what is called “Controlled Opposition.”
The COINTELPRO engineers this state using mass media hypnosis–broadcasting distracting, conflicting, and confusing propaganda.
Controlling opposition is the primary security practice of the ruling elite governing the global economy and banking industry, leveraging society and social control for power and greed.
COINTELPRO generates Controlled Opposition that pays-off in profits made from population management and depopulation through wars, famine, disease, and sex exploits, including child sex trafficking and human slavery.
Genocide is the Illuminati’s trademark. The fascist culling of potential Enemies of State is COINTELPRO’s mission.
COINTELPRO operates globally, generating or securing virtually all fears and misdirected faiths.
COINTELPRO is the preeminent mechanism that directs or annihilates competition, so that the only dominant CULTure is that which is presented through the mass-media based on fraud, misrepresentations, and omissions.
What results is Spiritual darkness over the face of the Earth that shames every human for ignorantly tolerating their enslavement as sovereigns. This is the epitome of naivety.
As a result of COINTELPRO and Controlled Opposition, We The People are educated/indoctrinated into ignorance, and choose to remain victims of this compound-crime until a forthcoming critical mass of us learn the freeing truth after it becomes painfully obvious.
Who stole “The American Dream?”
Something happened in the public’s mind that fueled the degeneration of American values and lifestyles; and it happened to our leaders and celebrities first.
There has been a covert intelligence operating–a CULTural black-op–that has undermined leaders, and directed “fan mentality,” on all levels. . . .
Activists advancing solutions to our worst problems have been suppressed, as have We The People.
This site is dedicated to understanding what happened to America, and recovering our national identity, integrity, and free Spirit. This is needed for recovery of our greater nation in a peaceful and prosperous world.
We begin by diagnosing the root cause of the imposition of fears ailing Americans most. Contrived enemies, such as those that sell natural products and alternative lifestyles, breed psychosocial pathology.
Contrived fears result in the gross dysfunction and disilusion evident in politics and economics that activists observe being administered by the powers beyond Wall Street and the Eurex stock exchanges.
Many activists and journalists have contributed to this website, to help shine the light of truth upon the agents of darkness who spread fear and misinformation.
The devil-doers manipulate by means of fraud, misrepresentations, and omissions, and We The People become afraid to voice our opinions and react remedially, reasonably, and responsibly.
This is why the root cause of what ails us is the COINTELPRO–a psychological operation by organized criminals producing “controlled opposition” throughout society, disabling society. This treason is administered through grass-roots organizations and institutions by the agents of deception; including a few of these exposed below.
This website largely reflects a “case study” in the materially evidenced conspiracy of agents that have attacked virtually every leader in the “New Age,” “ “Natural Healing,” “American Patriot,” “Conspiracy Theory,”and “Religious Conservative” communities.
This website complements the civil and criminal case filings of Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane, in March, 2012–two journalists among many who have been persecuted by the CONTELPRO.
Their related filings, LINKED HERE, provides a legal defense against these agents’ libel, extortion, commercial crimes, and much more.
This website and legal case study, dedicated to bringing this widespread organized crime to light, proves the COINTELPRO did not end with J. Edgar Hoover’s demise. It is alive and well, and more effective than ever, advanced by the agents of deception described below, and in the next article addressing “Controlled Opposition,” provided by several contributors.
Click HERE to see documented proof that Jones’s sponsors include chief Dept. of Homeland Security and FEMA officials commercially competing in the natural health products industry, profiting from manufactured frights (i.e., “false flag” domestic white-collar terrorism).
Click HERE (warning very explicit language) to see an example of how Alex Jones is complicit in publishing libel and disinformation with confirmed COINTELPRO agents. In this example, Jones refused to remove libel posted by Alex McGowin Studer, attacking Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane. On that blog you can see how Jones allows Studer, a certified white supremacist and sexist Jew hater, to attack Kane and Horowitz using Jones’s forum.
Click HERE to listen to Jones freak-out in censoring a caller, Lisa Guliani of, whose simple question posed a severe threat.
Lisa, like Kane, Hatch, and Hartwell, have been called every crude name in the book by Jones’s supporters in the COINTELPRO, especially Timothy Patrick White.
Click HERE to read how Jones and Genesis Communications Network (GCN) sold out John Joseph Gray’s family for $700 to mainstream media. Jones breached a contract, then lied about it to save face. Gray was in a standoff with the government over Constitutional rights.
JEFF RENSE (Jeff Rense)- serves as a general clearinghouse for every controversy. He is well aware of who the COINTELPRO agents are that are writing for his publication and radio show. He is well aware of how they operate to confuse every issue. Yet he does the same, and serves these agents out of fear, he defends.
Rense refused to allow his clearinghouse to help expose key COINTELPRO collaborators, including Alma C. Ott (aka “Dr. ‘True’ Ott) and Greg Szymanski, when Kane requested, and Horowitz begged, his assistance.
Rense declined out of fear, he insisted, but were there other payoffs? He justified his censorship claiming single parenting and multi-million dollar lawsuits prohibited him from broadcasting truths about his COINTELPRO colleagues.
Click the banner above to read how Alex Jones allegedly caused Rense’s termination from Genesis Communications Network (GCN). The two leading voices in the alternative media are supposedly at war, it is claimed.
That is what they want everyone to believe, because their “war” hides the fact they both operate on the same team for controlling opposition by way of generating conflicts and general confusion.
Read HERE how Rense refused to come to assist Dr. Horowitz and Sherri Kane in defense of attacks by “Dr. ‘True’ Ott” and company.
CLICK HERE to view The HOROKANE’s stunning proof of Ott’s lying abuse of Rense, and Rense’s tolerance of it, to advance libel against Horowitz and the COINTELPRO’s White Supremacy “anti-Zionist” propaganda.
Here is a man that Rense fears most . . . .
ALMA C. OTT (Alma C. Ott, aka “Dr. ‘True’ Ott”)
One of the most obvious, evil, vile, and phony COINTELPRO agent -provocateurs, this one a fake “doctor,” is this “True Nott” operating from Utah with a natural health products company called Mother Earth Minerals, Inc. This white supremacist hypocrite, with an alias name, phony credentials, and transparent allegiance to “Christian” and “patriot” groups, is a confirmed hate crime provocateur and sociopathic liar.
The evidence for this indictment of “True Ott” is massive and material, thanks to the efforts of Sherri Kane–highest on Ott’s “edomite” hate list.
Ott, like many of the COINTELPRO operators (e.g., David Icke) plays the Zionist-hate card and capitalizes on Jewish people’s works most dishonorably.
Ott plagiarizes pioneering people’s works, intentionally neglects proper attributions, and uses the name “True” as a psyops so people believe he doesn’t steal or lie.
Click HERE to read about the criminal case indicting Ott and his COINTELPRO “cause stalking” company for extortion and libel damaging Horowitz and Kane, including the felonies of identity theft and deceptive trade practices in his alliance with Dr. Horowitz’s x-wife, who invited Ott’s group to engage in a libel and unfair competition campaign against Horowitz and Kane’s health products companies.
Click HERE to read about how “True” Ott was involved in destroying Dr. Horowitz’s family.
Ott and his wife Joan, operates— an e-commerce enterprise. How many nutritional supplement companies do you know that openly sponsors hideously racist, sexist, plagiarist, fraudulent and felonious publications on the Internet?
You now know Mr. Ott’s exclusive trade.
White actually gives Icke the benefit of doubt throughout the documentary. He never condemns Icke, but rationally argues Icke must be demonically possessed to act as he does.
Icke’s alleged possession, White concluded, came when Icke opened himself up to demonic influence during the “transformational” and “spiritual” experiences Icke described in his books and lectures.
Icke’s “God head,” White and many others have concluded, came from demons that Icke describes as his “inner guides” and “intuitive voices” he hears while “channeling.”
“I do not subscribe to this assertion that Icke is simply possessed,” responded Dr. Horowitz, who knows Icke personally from their meetings at conferences.
“I don’t buy the idea that David, who claims to be ‘all about love,’ is simply possessed, and doesn’t know what he is doing. He knew precisely what he was doing when he neglected my repeated respectful requests to terminate Greg Szymanski’s libel about me being a ‘Knight of Malta.’ Icke intentionally neglected my appeals, an act of bad-will and malice, for commercial gain, not love.”
Even after the agents that created that libel retracted their asinine claim that Horowitz was knighted by the Pope, Icke persisted in libeling Horowitz on his website, convincing Horowitz that Icke’s complicity with certified COINTELPRO libelists proves he is not about love, not about truth, not simply demonically possessed. Icke knows how, and chooses, to be an agent-provocateur.
“Icke consciously chooses his agendas and targets, PRECISELY as expected from an agent provocateur advancing controlled opposition for the Illuminati,” Dr. Horowitz contends. And there is a lot of convincing evidence.
Consider the way in which Icke promotes the anti-Zionist agenda, just like Ott, Rense & company, implying anti-Semitism while rejecting claims they provoke Jewish-hate.
CLICK HERE to see Icke’s forum, for example, wherein he endorses an obviously COINTELPRO anti-Semitic psyops on par with The Protocools of the Elders of Sion in Hitler’s age.
HERE is the referenced propaganda piece that stupidly alleges a supposed rabbi eats kidnapped children as part of a satanic ritual directed by the Church of Satan. Meanwhite, the COINTELPRO actually protects the real pedophile/sex-slavery network that Gunderson et al., labored to conceal.
William Cooper, author of Behold a Pale Horse, warned about this same plot before he died suspiciously. CLICK HERE to listen to his wise counsel.
At the same time that Icke encourages the COINTELPRO ‘s use of his blog and celebrity, he does what all agents of Controlled Opposition always do—he discredits himself. He promotes the “alien agenda,” and “shape shifting” reptillians, heavily evidencing the modus operandI of the COINTELPRO, best explained in The Report From Iron Mountain.
Think about how stupid this notion is; yet suckers believe it. With all the video cameras in the world, and public access to YouTube, no one ever uploaded a shape-shift actually happening. The best fools can do is create images like this one of Dick Chaney.
Featured “Substitutes for the Functions of War” in the Iron Mountain report prescribed our present socio-economic conditions precisely, and Icke didn’t intuit this, or the One World Religion notion.
Besides a “comprehensive social-welfare program,” other profitable enterprises encouraged by the Iron Mountain think tank included:
1) “a giant open-end space research program, aimed at unreachable targets;”
2) “A permanent, ritualized, ultra-elaborate [UN administered] disarmament inspection system, and variants of such a system;”
3) “An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force,” such as the United Nations Peacekeepers.
4) “An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace,” (a la Icke and the UFO industry) including the promotion of cosmic and alien threats to Earth and humanity.
6) “Fictitious alternate enemies,” such as the creation of terrorist organizations threatening the “free world;”
7) Social control programs including “a modern, sophisticated form of slavery” in which humans would not know they were enslaved, much like cultural addictions and habituations to pharmaceuticals, television, and “Hollywoodism;”
8) Pacification through “New [Age] religions or other mythologies,” including MDs–Medical Deities–and “socially oriented blood games,” such as intoxicating vaccinations containing mercury, exposures with aluminum, and neurodegenerative fluoridation, all causing psychopathology; and
9) “A comprehensive program of applied eugenics,” whereby populations judged inferior, or undesirable, would be culled and killed. This follows general degeneration by pollution, medical intoxications, and genetic mutations. In other words, targeted population control.
Icke’s personal bio says that “Many have dubbed Icke as the ‘most controversial speaker’ on the planet, . . . They used to laugh at him, but now they come in the thousands to hear him speak all over the world.”
Icke’s critic, White, attempted to get the “average truther to reevaluate what they really know about the ‘endgame’ of the Illuminati.”
BUT . . . without considering Aquino behind Icke, and the COINTELPRO’s psyops agenda behind the “alternative media,” truthers view the weakest of truths only.
Sam Taylor wrote about Icke in The Observer in 1997 that, having read Icke’s material, he did not believe it was anti-Semitic, but argued that Icke was “tapping into a seriously paranoid, aggressive strain in U.S. society.”[61]
That “paranoid strain” sources from the National Security Agency’s sorcerer, General Aquino; who pulls the strings on the media, the public’s mindset, Icke’s audience, and probably even Icke’s “inner voices” like a Wizard controls Oz.
ALEX McGOWIN STUDER and, Commercial Feed for Ott (Alex McGowin Studer) True Ott’s main venue and commercial feed is run by this porky propagandist, film-editor, and blog-aholic, closely associated with predicate felon, Timothy Patrick White, allowed to post repeatedly and libelously on Alex Jones’s and David Icke’s websites and Google Blogs.
Read HERE about Studer’s (and Ott’s) satanic white-supremacist theology. Besides hating people of color, this pedophile-protector despises women, yet claims to be “Christian.”
Studer particularly loathes female journalists, especially Sherri Kane and Barbara Hartwell, whose blogs you can read by clicking Studer’s fat face above. He enjoys referring to women with the “c”, “s” and “w” words. His filthy sexist libel, published by Alex Jones, makes one wonder if both men hate their mothers, or if they simply have small penises that shame them with inferiority complexes.
As an example of how Studer operates, below is a screen-shot of Kane, and videographer, Roxanne Hampton, produced by Studer to libel and extort Kane for the COINTELPRO, and to gain commercial advantage since he sells merchandise on his websites, including “Nuke Israel” baby bibs.
Studer also pushes Ott’s health products sales through his and Ott’s websites. Ott’s Mother Earth Minerals, Co. directly competes with Horowitz’s and Kane’s companies, and this is one way the COINTELPRO helps BigPharma regulate competition and the natural health products trade at large, by targeting, defaming, and bankrupting activists and “dissidents.”
Clicking the player above downloads a pdf file of a Cease and Desist notice to Google Blogger, whose officials neglected numerous appeals by Kane to have Studer’s damaging libel removed from their service. The notice was issued by Dr. Horowitz, who was also smeared by the film’s producers–Studer, Hampton, Ott and Horowitz’s x-wife.
Evidencing a wider conspiracy, Horowitz noted Google’s violations in their legal department’s responses to Kane and her attorney’s complaints. Horowitz noted that Google, and likewise WordPress Complaint March 9, 2012, fraudulently misrepresented, U.S.C. 47, Section 230(c).
In doing so, in this case, Google aids and abets a white supremacist, sexist, pedophile protector, and those complicit in Studer’s and Ott’s crimes.
Journalist Kane, an astute psychosocial analyst, noted that Studer (Ott’s publicist and Gunderson’s advocate) came to the aide of his neighbor, Robert Glenn McDougall, who was busted by the FBI for child pornography, and on suspicions he may have operated from his mobile home as a pedophile.
Studer’s defense of McDougall was documented on the KATU News in San Francisco. (Read Barbara Hartwell’s reprort HERE.)
Studer charged in subsequent libel that Horowitz and Kane were responsible for McDougall’s arrest, and made claims that he (i.e., Studer) had to clean his computer so that the authorities would not find any child pornography in his files.
Alex Jones’s support for Gunderson is evidenced HERE. On this show, Gunderson told Jones, “I was very active in the COINTELPRO program. Particularly the [media} back East during the 1960s, and through the Vietnam War. You know we used it against them [the media and activists] and it was very effective. And it’s very effective today. And they’re using it today. But what they’re doing today, makes the old COINTELPRO program by the FBI back in the 60s. look like a Sunday school class. These guys toady are unbelievable. I mean their brazen, they’re violating the law. They’re coming out and trying to set people up. . . . What they’re doing is, they’ve infiltrated every group in America. They’ve got their own people in there; their own informants; their own provocateurs in there. And they’re going to stir-em-up. . . . Their provocateurs are going to come up with the idea of doing some violent acts.”
Studer’s postings on Alex Jones’s InfoWars forum were removed once Jones realized he was named in The HOROKANE’s lawsuit. But the evidence is included in more than 300 pages of exhibits accompanying the complaint filed in Honolulu with the First District Court.
Studer and Alex Jones are also great promoters of “Dr. Bill Deagle,” another well known radio talk show host carrying extensive baggage from having made many bizarre claims, including involvements as a self-promoted “government physician” operating at Columbine and Oklahoma City following the bombing.
Nepotism within the intelligence community, including the COINTELPRO, is additionally evidenced HERE with Rense promoting Deagle’s propaganda.
These people are constantly complaining about Jews, claim the Bible was written and interpreted all wrong, deny Jesus was Jewish, and claim Mother Mary must have embodied the “spawn of Satan” since the Vatican is supposedly run by Zionists, and Rense is a hero for exposing Alex Jones’s pro-Zionist New World Order censorship.
Bill Deagle and Company epitomizes how the controlled opposition psyops works to discredit each other, everything, and everyone. Predicate felons discredit racists; and “doctors” with no real credentials are promoted by discredited medical colleagues. Everyone demonizes everyone else in the COINTELPRO, in following Michael Aquino’s “Helter Skelter” satanic protocol.
Then these agents discredit everything and everyone involved in the debate by publishing or broadcasting fraudulent claims, lacking material evidence, such as the alien invasion of humanity involving the Illuminati’s takeover by extraterrestrials.
This is how they generate the end result of mass confusion, degeneration of the CULTure, and general apathy undermining activism–that is the socio-political objective of Controlled Opposition.
This is how the grand distraction and gross deception operates for public persuasion and population manipulation. Any activist attempting to make progress in their chosen cause confronts this conspiracy reality draining their passion.
Typically, these agents undermine reputable activism against the world’s most threatening agendas, including depopulation via biochemical intoxications, including vaccinations, and other weapons of mass-destruction.
In the links above, for instance, Ott and Studer are hosted by de-licensed “Dr. Deagle” and invited guest, Ingri Cassel-Harkins, of Vaccination Liberation Organization. The group heralds the dangers of vaccines and efforts to gain a restraining order on the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) emergency “preparedness” program that is experimental and arguably genocidal.
But imagine being a legitimate medical researcher or published author of reputable (peer reviewed) science, being interviewed by these people. That would be like sentencing credibility to death.
This is one of the main reasons for COINTELPRO’s nepotism–why these agents, including so-called “doctors,” “natural medicine” leaders, and “consumer advocates,” regularly interview each other, build each other’s blogs and credibility to feign their legitimacy, then self-destruct, taking people’s confidence and progressive movements with them.
In a victory for humanity, however, investigative journalist Sherri Kane had one of the foremost propaganda mills shut down, thanks to the early integrity of WordPress officials who rebuked the libelous and racist slime being posted on their free blog service. (More on WordPress later in this article.) Kane and Horowitz provided an alternative to Studer and Ott’s terminated site at
But you can’t keep a good COINTELPRO operative down. Soon after the site was removed, a new LabVirus website appeared.
This prescription is consistent with Bible prophecy and white supremacy among their “Bible Believer” community that views hate-crimes as righteous. Shown is one of many tee shirts that promote World War III.
“Greg Szymanski, J.D.” has used a number of alias identities, including “Eric Samuelson, JD.”
In one audio recording, he interviews himself as though he is speaking with an intelligent informant. The radio show evidences the fractured nature of this man’s mind–a positive attribute for double agents working in counter-intelligence.
Szymanski and Ott conspired in the creation, publication, and advertising of a forged Knights of Malta list constructed to libel Dr. Horowitz for commercial advantage, and extort him to submit to their racist and divisive theology.
“Samuelson” put Horowitz’s name just below J. Edgar Hoover’s name on the list that was widely circulated over the Internet. The scam was especially embraced by “Bible Believers,” gullible Christians, and patriotic Americans. The libel worked in these “markets” to discredit many life-saving works by Horowitz.
The COINTELPRO had nothing on him that they could use for libel, so they invented the list, and published their libelous forgery to spread rumors about the humanitarian doctor on websites, including Alex Jones’s (with Jones’s knowledge and consent), and David Icke’s too, with Icke’s knowledge and consent.
But the global COINTELPRO attack, also involving Benjamin Fulford, a Rockefeller family-backed journalist (supposedly) back-fired on these complicit parties as the conspiracy unravelled.
“Oz is controlled by a tribunal of wizards in the Partnership for New York City — David Rockefeller, Lloyd Blankfein, and Rupert Murdoch. Pull back the veil to reveal them pulling the strings on the COINTELPRO.”
Sherri Kane
Gunderson’s involvement in the COINTELPRO is central to Hilder’s claim and this report. Click HERE to read what Wikipedia, a known CIA propaganda service, reported about the FBI’s COINTELPRO.
According to many journalists and whistleblowers discredited by the COINTELPRO, the buck commonly stopped at Gunderson’s gate. Most of the COINTELPRO attacks against Horowitz, Kane, Jenny Hatch, Jane Burgermeister, Stu Webb, Barbara Hartwell, and many others, were led by Gunderson, or by Ott in communication with Gunderson.
Gunderson directed controlled-opposition in the “Patriot Movement.” His double-agency featured his fake role as an advocate for parents, especially single moms, whose children were kidnapped.
Gunderson falsely claimed to help the children, and victimized parents, against pedophilia and satanic child sex trafficking. In reality, he was helping the covert operators within the FBI and intelligence industry to keep a lid on the network that leads to CIA/NSA General Michael Aquino.
Pedophilia, including child sex trafficking and pornography is one of the world’s most lucrative industries, on the list with drugs and arms.
Pedophile protectors, such as Studer in Robert Glenn McDougall’s case, and Ott’s close association with predicate felon Timothy Patrick White, serve the Church of Satan/Temple of Set on behalf of the Illuminati, according to mounting material evidence.
White, considered the “barking dog buffoon” in Ott’s and Gunderson’s “cause stalking” gang, exposed the Internet extortionists by his malicious stupidity. He libeled CIA whistleblower Barbara Harwell, attacked vaccine toxicity activist Jenny Hatch, and crank-called pedophile nemesis Sherri Kane. Fortunately for the truth movement, White was thwarted by these women who advanced intelligent debate and hard evidence.
White, like Studer and Ott, repeatedly resorted to vile seethings to make his racist, sexist, low-life points, but not before exposing his complicity with Ott and Gunderson in the COINTELPRO.
Gunderson’s and Ott & Company’s links to the hidden sex slave industry were best revealed by Hartwell and Kane, and the slip-ups of “stooge Studer” and “True nOtt” in recent months.
The pedophile protectors operate on behalf of high level politicians and secret society officials, the evidence indicates. Gunderson, Ott and Company alleged this too. This public knowledge expanded with the Hollywood film Eyes Wide Shut starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. The movie was produced by Stanley Kubrick, who died most suspiciously shortly after the film premiered.
Dr. Horowitz renamed “The Franklin Cover-up”–”The Franlkin Double-Coverup”–because of Gunderson’s promotion of the matter, and failure to produce, like the FBI, any significant benefit to society in stopping the child kidnapping and murdering of hundreds-of-thousands of children annually in the United States.
Gunderson and Company presented a dead-end to many mothers, and families of kidnapping victims. Grieving and frightened parents were led to believe that justice was being served with a call to Gunderson.
Gunderson denied his relationship with Aquino, along with his marriage to LaVey’s ex-wife, Diana Rively, to his death in 2011. But a hand written note from Gunderson to Hartwell, while the two toured on behalf of the CIA, proved the satanic church association.
The show’s message–a psyops–was, basically, the satanic kidnapping industry operated, but there was nothing anyone could do about it.
“At the time of Aquino’s membership in Anton LaVey’s group, he was an Army specialist in psychological warfare. In 1973, he became the executive officer of the 306th Psychological Operations Battalion synchronous with his founding of the Temple of Set,” reported Kennedy.
General Michael Aquino wrote, From Psyop to Mind War: The Psychology of Victory.
Kennedy continued his review:
“Aquino’s thesis stated that any population can be subdued by inflicting a state of psychological terror and feelings of imminent destruction. He discusses the use of psychotronic weapons, or electromagnetic weapons that influence the mine. Capitulation could be induced without firing a shot by extremely low frequency signals piggybacked on broadcasts of radio, TV, or microwave communications in order to regulate the thoughts and feelings of the target population.
“A police intelligence reported dated July 1, 1981 reads:
‘The Church of Set is a group of hundreds of members that operates on a national level. Michael Aquino is the official head and rules through a Council of Nine, who are, in fact, his lieutenants. At least two members of the Council of Nine, at that time, were members of Army intelligence.
‘In the late 1980s, Aquino was accused by the San Francisco Police Department of being involved in the satanic child molestation ring, centered on the day care at the Presideo Military Base, where Aquino was stationed at the time. Probable victims numbered at 68, many of whom had contracted venereal disease. Twenty-two families filed $66 million in claims against the Army, claiming that criminal charges against Aquino were dropped due to pressure from the Army.
1) Watch this clip wherein Michael Aquino’s position and mind-control operations within the US Military Intelligence community is revealed. Click Here.
To Watch Col. Michael Aquino on the Geraldo Show with Ted Gunderson discussing human sacrifice, child sex trafficking, and pedophilia, Click Here .
To Watch Col. Michael Aquino on the Oprah Winfrey Show discussing human sacrifice, again. This time, a surprise member of the audience catches Aquino off guard, causing him to become anxious (with rapid eye movements) and make obvious and manipulative mistakes in attempting to discredit the young man. Click Here to watch Aquino defend his Church’s murder ceremony against Oprah and this whistleblower.
To Watch a clip where Michael Aquino demonstrates the neo-Nazi agenda of Satanists, Click Here .
To Read Michael Aquino’s (Temple of Set) “History of the Church of Satan” Click Here .
KEN ADACHI (aka Peter Boudreau)
The FBI’s COINTELPRO Registered Mail regarding an embarrassing San Francisco situation requiring damage control and false media manipulation sent to J. Edgar Hoover by way of Los Angeles evidences the routine practice of seeding the media with lies for population manipulation.
Likewise, the damage control for the late Gunderson had been bountifully provided by Ott, Studer, White, Hilder, Nicoloff, and Adachi feeding the alternative media through the Internet from hubs like,,,, and Phelps’s publications, including Iconoclast Radio and These are supposedly hosted by Phelps’s sycophant, Craig Oxley. These COINTELPRO operatives, typically issuing 80% truth and 20% lies (i.e., is fraud by omissions or misrepresentations) control the fearful mindset of their wide audience, a la Aquino’s terroristic program.
This group operated largely concealed until Kane began to investigate the group for extorting and libeling Horowitz.
In fact, the only people who seem to fully grasp Phelps’s preachings are COINTELPRO agents Ott and Oxley. Oxley, particularly, writes like a Phelps clone. So obviously so, that most inquisitive examiners conclude Oxley is an alias of Phelps.
The bottom line is Peter Boudreau (better known as Ken Adachi) does a marvelous job mixing it all up on behalf of every COINTELPRO player, some of whom get ruffled egos from their infighting and mutual discrediting–all part of their intention to administer public confusion by deception.
ERIC JON PHELPS’s Anti-Vatican, Racist Campaign
Douglas A. Willinger performed an insightful inquiry into Phelps’s mode of operations.
“For someone aware of military and political strategies and their importance, to insist upon affixing this racial bunk upon the anti-Vatican political movement, Eric Jon Phelps is ultimately loyal to Rome,” Willinger concluded following a detailed scholarly review of history and Phelps’s aversions.
“One of the key tactics used by Jesuits is to serve as agent provocateurs,” wrote a blog contributor about Willinger’s article, explaining why Phelps had initially invited Willinger into a seemingly scholarly dialogue. Then, when Willinger discerned Phelps’s bigotry and censorship, the collaboration ended.
This analyst provided this obervation on August 21, 2011, at the precise time Phelps’s “Bible Believers”–theological sychophants in Gunderson’s gang–including Oxley, Ott, White, and Studer went into libel-drive against Horowitz and Kane for exposing Phelps’s links to COINTELPRO, Aquino, and the Church of Satan.
Phelps is a self-described Irishman with Pawnee Indian mix, Willinger wrote. The racist resides in Pennsylvania– “a land with quite a few people of German ancestry, plus generally those Polish, Czech, European Jewish (generally part German and/or Eastern Europe) and Black (sub-Saharan African ancestry). Indeed, within the U.S., Pennsylvania is frequently refereed to as “Dutch” Country- a mistranslation and understanding of the term “Deutsche” (German rather then Dutch).”
Yet Phelps doesn’t think kindly of “mixed-breeds.” Willinger wrote that, “He embarks upon this ‘ProBaptiCal’ apartheid state excluding Blacks, turning his back on the land of Europe’s 1st Protestant (Lutheran) State of the European White peoples such as Slavs and Germans, instead ignoring Prussia, for the sake of something instead within his currently home state that would force out the Blacks; disregarding that a reincarnated Prussia would not be forcing out any ethnicity (and likely has few Blacks).
Phelps’s hate crime instigations are largely responsible for the anti-Zionist movement globally. His book, Vatican Assassins, is like a bible to the “Bible Believer Cult” that his “Brothers” recite, especially “True Ott,” Studer, and their “barking dog” predicate felon and cross-dresser, Timothy Patrick White. (White litters his profanity effectively across the Internet, discrediting every associate according to Aquino’s plan.)
This group of “cause stalkers” were identified as a clan by their e-mail trail followed by Kane, when Ott and White began to barrage her with their Jewish-hate.
“Cause stalking” This is how they exert control over activists they target as adversaries, and at the same time spread their demonic dogmas. The group attacks are published on blogs and websites often removed by reasonably intelligent and responsible hosts.
Phelps is a perfect example of the New Testament’s warning about these “Synagogue of Satanists” operating in these End Times. “Beware of those who call themselves Jews [Christians in Christian America, or religious zealots anywhere] that are not.” (See: Rev. 3:9)
Phelps is a phony Christian, who works under Michael Aquino’s spell on behalf of the Synagogue of Satan/Temple of Set. Phelps’s theological clone, probably an alias, and certainly a person with no face, Craig Oxley, spews propaganda from several websites, including:,, and
ANTHONY HILDER (Anthony Hilder)
“God help the ‘endangered Black Man’ if Hilder “lectures on the genetic engineering of AIDS,” Dr. Horowitz authoritatively warns since he knows Hilder personally and wrote the definitive book on that subject, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?
After writing several several scientific peer-reviewed publications on the subject AIDS’s laboratory creation and vaccine transmission, Horowitz gave Hilder his friendship and a dozen interviews whenever Hilder asked.
But in 2011, investigative journalist Kane showed Horowitz e-mail links between Hilder, predicate felon Timothy Patrick White (Gunderson et al.’s “barking dog”), “True Ott,” and the white-supremacist “cause stalking” gang that libeled and extorted Horowitz repeatedly since 2007.
Hilder interviewed Horowitz numerous times on the dangers of vaccines, but always balked during interviews wherein Horowitz raised issues of suppressed remedies in the musical frequencies, and especially 528. Hilder never wanted to conduct an interview on LOVE: The Real da Vinci CODE, or on Horowitz’s latest book, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, that evidences the healing power of 528 frequencies of sound and light.
Hilder told Dr. Horowitz when they met, and many others as well, that he was shot in the chest while serving the CIA. He offered to show Horowitz his scar, but denied all of this during a Conspiracy Conference in 2011 during a panel discussion. His actions are consistent with a compulsive liar who suffers from diversion/manipulation disorder, as though trained by the CIA to deflect honest inquiries. (CLICK HERE to listen to”Anthony Hilder Ambushed” on We Are Change Radio with host Howard Nema, wherein Hilder admits he was, indeed, shot in the chest, but still denied his initially-alleged CIA connection to the “magic bullet.”)
A lot of the conspiracy industry connections are revealed when investigators consider Hilder as Gunderson’s friend, videographer, and co-creator of the entire conspiracy genre, according to Hilder’s statements at Con con 2011.
Hilder and Gunderson, prior to Gunderson’s death in 2011, launched as a front for CIA propaganda and discrediting the serious matter of chemical sprayings for global depopulation.
Hilder defended his defamation of Kane and Horowitz posted on, but claimed to be unaware his fellow agents libeled them on his site as well–a strange admission given Hilder’s claim to be among the world’s most well-informed intelligence agents.
CLICK HERE to listen to Roger Landry, founder of We The People Network, on The Liberty Hour, discuss Hilder and COINTELPRO with Robbie Radio, Vinny Be da Truth and Howard Nema.
- • (Craig Oxley/ Eric Jon Phelps)
- •TheUnhivedMind ( (Craig Oxley/ Eric Jon Phelps) (Taken offline for white supremacy)
- • (Craig Oxley/Eric Jon Phelps) Another white supremacy site created to promote propaganda against shadow government “targets” and whistleblowers.
- •– (Craig Oxley/Eric Jon Phelps) heavily promoted a perverse phony “sex tape” used by True Ott and Timothy Patrick White to libel, extor, and silence Horowitz and Kane regarding the crimes their boss, Ted Gunderson
- •
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- • is a website run by Todd Brendan Fahey and predicate cross-dressing felon, Timothy Patrick White. These two satanic government stooges are on a “get out of jail free card.” They did Gunderson’s (and now True Ott’s) dirty work by threatening whistle blowers and activists. When White was busted for drugs, they found kiddie porn in his living space. White was assigned to attack Horowitz and Kane, to shut them up from reporting horrific crimes against children. White’s last email address was:
- • Clay Douglas works in collaboration with the COINTELPRO and, not surprisingly, is another hard-core white supremacist. Douglas spread false rumors in conjunction with Szymanski/Ott’s publication of the phonyKnights of Malta list that was created by Greg Szymanski, reporting that Horowitz shape-shifted in an elevator.
- •What Douglas failed to include was that Horowitz, at one tim, advertised with his magazine, The Free American. Horowitz paid Douglas $900 dollars for an ad that never ran. Douglas denied the debt, and when Horowitz confronted him about this, Douglas called him a “cheap Jew,” which made Horowitz angry. Since Douglas viewed Horowitz’s temper, he has been spreading his dumb shape-shaping claim.
- • (Ed Chiarini) Chiarini runs this propaganda site as part of controlled opposition. The problem is his lack of visual perception. For instance, he iarini put together a photo (see below) of the fake doctor “True” Ott, next to a legitimate doctor who has the same last name, but has real credentials. Chiarini idiotically claims they are the same person, even though they don’t look a thing alikprofessional e.
- •Chiarini’s insanity regarding faked identities actually gives Ott credentials and make him out to be better looking. He does this with many people in the news, claiming they are actors. All of his claims are bogus. He does this to grab people’s attention but also to confuse everything and mix it all up with the hopes of putting stupid questions in everyone’s mind.
Dr. Horowitz and Ms. Kane are investigative journalists, peace activists, film critics, music industry visionaries, victims of counter-intelligence operations involving Google and YouTube, and the co-producers of the Hollywood Spin series of programs showing on Vimeo’s Revolution Television channel. The couple produced their own Revolution Television Network “RTN,” compelled by Google/YouTube’s illegal censorship of more than 150 videos produced by “The HOROKANE,” including ones viewed and shared by more than a million people. “The HOROKANE’s'” Hollywood Spin series features Harvard-degreed expertise in media propaganda analyses, and keen psycho-social perspectives, in support of world peace and consumer protection.
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M. (hon.), D.M.M. (hon.)
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is the world’s most prolific, best credentialed, and most controversial drug industry critic.
This music industry revolutionary, natural medicine expert, pharmaceutical industry whistleblower, and intelligence industry analyst has published eighteen books, five documentary films, and dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles.
After receiving his Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree from Tufts University, and a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard University, Dr. Horowitz went on to publish the first of three American bestsellers, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?. This book is largely credited by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officials for prompting the global vaccination risk awareness movement. Dr. Horowitz’s monumental text caused several governments to reconsider their “immunization” policies, and it became the center of political debate in 2008 when Barack Obama’s minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, credited Horowitz and this book for evidencing HIV/AIDS as a genocidal weapon of mass depopulation targeting Africans and African Americans courtesy of covert U.S. military contractors named in the book.
Dr. Horowitz’s second bestseller, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, prompted a revolution in the music and natural healing industries.
The retired dentist and naturopathic physician’s consumer health guidebook, Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science, pioneered the protocol adopted by thousands of natural healers and doctors worldwide.
Dr. Horowitz’s 2007 decryption of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous drawing revealed the mathematics of LOVE: The Real da Vinci CODE; and his follow-up text, the most monumental of his 30-year career, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, reveals “God’s creative technology,” available for revolutionizing music, recording artistry, healthcare, environmental resource protection and restoration, along with civilization’s transformation as an “enlightened species” choosing peaceful sustainable collaboration versus murderous degenerative competition and lethal consumption.
From Dr. Horowitz’s books, video productions, and documentary films, Hollywood filmmakers have drawn many ideas, including those expressed in the movies INCEPTION, I Am Legend, the X-File Movie, and several others.
International acclaim and widespread acceptance of the doctor’s works revealing Solfeggio frequency physics and metaphysics has prompted the “528LOVERevolution,” which Dr. Horowitz and his partner, journalist and activist, Sherri Kane, has commercialized in the rapidly growing and through his private television channel,, formed following Google/YouTube’s censorship of more than 150 of the doctor’s video productions.
Dr. Horowitz’s and Sherri Kane’s broadcasts “medicinal music” transposed into the “LOVE frequency” of 528Hz, that resonates the sound of buzzing bees, and 528nm of greenish-yellow light at the heart of rainbows, precisely why grass is green and fills the air with electron-energized oxygen vibrating in the energy of LOVE/528.
Dr. Horowitz’s film presentation, the 528KEY movie, provides an explanation of the great opportunity provided by the 528 frequency for advancing unprecedented benefits to civilization.
Investigative Journalist Sherri Kane
If you do a Google search on Sherri Kane, you will probably notice she has been widely defamed by a seemingly large group of racists, anti-Semites, and sexist men who obviously feel their lives spent on the Internet libeling her is a profitable pastime.
Here are some political reasons why:
Sherri Kane is America’s gutsiest investigative journalist, news commentator, psycho-social analyst, and political activist, specializing in uncovering what predators do to women, children, and even animals. She exposes human and animal rights violators, child sex traffickers, and human slavery networks, several involving high ranking government officials.
Sherri does not hesitate to investigate, analyze, and vet the dark world of government and intelligence agencies’ corruption, and agents’ complicity in organized crimes. She refutes the propaganda published to manipulate and damage people, and exposes what is being concealed by the FBI/CIA’s COINTELPRO (that was supposed to have stopped abusing people and depriving human rights in 1976 by Acts of Congress). Sherri delves into conspiracy realities so dark that very few people dare to study them.
For instance, you may have heard of the political fracas involving certain members of Congress, a high ranking official in the Republican Party, and the mysterious disappearances and abuses of children at “Boys Town” in Nebraska, called “The Franklin Cover-up.” Thanks to Ms. Kane’s heroic investigative reporting, the matter has now been exposed as “The Franklin Double-coverup.”
You may recall the Gulf Oil Crisis, maybe even the extensive coverage Jesse Ventura and TruTV gave to the “Conspiracy Theory” implicating Halliburton, BP, and TransOcean in the intentional explosion and environmental devastation in the Gulf of Mexico. Ms Kane sourced the story and appears on the segment.
Sherri wrote the foreword to Dr. Horowitz’s music-industry-transforming book, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love, and co-produced and is co-starring in Dr. Horowitz’s controversial docu-comedy PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller, winner of the 2010 Accolade Award for “Uniqueness in Documentary Film-making.”
Ms. Kane is the Vice President of Medical Veritas online journal, has published works in newspapers, magazines and many websites, and has been interviewed worldwide including on Al Jazeera’s A9 Turkey, The Veritas Show, the BBC’s Talk Radio Europe, Late Night In The Midlands, WAC Connecticut, LA Talk Radio, and many others. She co-hosts the Hollywood Spin series of film reviews with Dr. Horowitz viewed on and Vimeo’s Revolution Television Channel. Ms. Kane also co-hosted The HOROKANE Hour on LNM Radio Network with Dr. Horowitz, and co-wrote Space Pearl Harbor, reviewed in the 39-minute news program seen HERE.
Sherri is currently collaborating with Dr. Horowitz on various projects including Healthy World Organization (HWO), the alternative to the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO),, and advancing the power of “528 Hz” frequency for global healing, as experienced at,, and
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