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Comprehending the Incomprehensible
Comprehending the Incomprehensible: Reconciling the Irreconcilable
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
In 1773, according to centuries-old debate, a Rothschild-commissioned think tank allegedly leaked the Illuminati’s strategy for advancing globalization for a “New World Order.” The controversial prophetically-accurate Protocols of the Elders of Sion featured imposing: (1) massive chaos on society by degenerating the political and economic systems; (2) media and (3) distrust and disgust in viewing governments internationally. These Protocols were altered over the years to abuse “Jews” as scapegoats by including anti-Semitic manipulations masking its devious, but ingenious, strategy for global conquest. Geopolitical and economic conquest of the “cattle,” nowadays called We The People, or actually the “sheeple,” would be administered by every demonic means possible.
Protocol #12 detailed the banking cartel’s “right to replace the horrors of war by less noticeable and more satisfactory sentences of death, necessary to maintain the terror which tends to produce blind submission.” The satanic enterprise required for world control leveraged the media as explained thusly:
“Literature and journalism are two of the most important educative forces and, therefore, our government will become proprietor of the majority of the journals. This will neutralize the injurious influence of the privately owned press and will put us in possession of a tremendous influence upon the public mind. . . . If we give permits for ten journals, we shall ourselves found thirty, and so on in the same proportion. This, however, must in no way be suspected by the public. . . . Methods of organization like these, imperceptible to the public eye, but absolutely sure, are best calculated to succeed in bringing the attention and the confidence of the public to the side of our [“New World”] government. Thanks to such methods, we shall be in a position as from time to time may be required, to excite or to tranquilize the public mind on political questions, to persuade or to confuse, printing now truth, now lies, facts or their contradictions, . . . The produce of publicity, which nowadays is a source of heavy expense owing to the necessity of censoring it, will be turned by us into a very lucrative source of income to our State. . . .”
Protocol #10 of the Protocols of the Elders of Sion (1773)
The Protocols explained in this section, paragraphs 17-19, what is happening today, featuring the contrived war between the media’s liberal left and conservative right:
17. By such measure we shall obtain the power of destroying little by little, step by step, . . . every kind of constitution, and then the time is come to turn every form of government into OUR DESPOTISM.
18. The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence – a matter which we shall arrange for – of their rulers, will clamor: “Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders – frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts – who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives.”
Central to this global deception and fascist imposition, since the 1950s’ establishment of the CIA from the OSS, the MKULTRA mind-control program for social-engineering the aforementioned objectives has been unfolding. Within this agenda, to actualize the intended results, a behavioral science theory called the ‘Hegelian dialectic’ has been put into practice.
The Hegelian dialectic is the most effective social-engineering, media persuasion, human-conditioning operational theory. And it is only in this manipulative context of the Hegelian dialectic that comprehending the incomprehensible in today’s political and media arenas can be achieved. Otherwise, reconciling the irreconcilable is impossible.
The dialectic (i.e., “bullshit” in generally-accepted English vernacular) employs intentional contradictions. There is a ‘thesis,’ such as a ‘liberal left’ proposal, opposed by an ‘anti-thesis,’ such as a ‘conservative right’ alternative argument. The practice of ‘thesis’ coupled with the ‘anti-thesis’ prompts ‘synthesis’–mass confusion and ultimate submission by citizens’ exhaustion and attrition. (“IT IS INDISPENSABLE TO TROUBLE IN ALL COUNTRIES THE PEOPLE’S RELATIONS WITH THEIR GOVERNMENTS SO AS TO UTTERLY EXHAUST HUMANITY WITH DISSENSION, HATRED, STRUGGLE,” Protocol 19.)
Sensory-motor-cognitive overload and cross-cultural overwhelm occurs with use/abuse of the Hegelian dialectic broadcast by the media today, especially evidenced in America. Both sides of every argument, no matter how many facts are accurate or blatantly distorted, omitted, and misrepresented, have simply caused people on either side of every issue to tune out, drop out of the debate, and stop making conscious informed choices. This Hegelian dialectic enables ‘general acceptance’ of whatever.
A great example of this menace to society presents with the ‘vaccination controversy’ over science-based safety, efficacy, and forced injections.
In this mandatory vaccination example, ‘vaccine hesitancy’ develops due to such conflicting intelligence. Blatant omissions of vaccine side-effects, and misrepresentations of vaccines’ safety and efficacy, encourage vaccine hesitancy. Yet, ‘vaccine hesitancy’ is smeared as risky. Officials and the media claim vaccine hesitant people are risking and damaging society’s health and safety.
This engineered and controlled controversy generates ‘cognitive dissonance’ producing mass behavioral compliance. Vaccination are imposed regardless of ‘vaccine hesitancy.’ (“BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, . . . SO THAT THE “CATTLE” SEE NO OTHER ISSUE THAN TO TAKE REFUGE IN OUR COMPLETE SOVEREIGNTY IN MONEY AND IN ALL ELSE.” Protocol 19)
Many ‘smart people’ observe the absurdity of official statements and media proclamations defying intelligence, free-will, and informed choice-making. Many people can’t fathom the ’stupidity’ of replacing reasonable discernment and judgment in favor of genocide. But it’s not ‘stupid’ at all. It is strickly behavioral science applied for Machiavellian social engineering.
MKULTRA Influencing Health Science and Politics
Activists opposing the aforementioned injustices are increasingly discouraged. “The reality is that ‘nobody’ (or far too few) gives a shit anymore,” one activist wrote this author. (They donated the web domain “NobodyGivesAshit.com” in recognition of this fact.)
Even if people did ‘give a shit’ en masse, it wouldn’t matter anyway. Because those ‘giving a shit’ are all mass mind-controlled similarly to those ‘not giving a shit’ in accordance with the Hegelian dialectic and the social engineering agenda. (“If we give permits for ten journals, we shall ourselves found thirty, and so on in the same proportion.” Protocol 12. Free Press Destroyed: paragraph 8.)
Nor does any of this even matter, anymore. It doesn’t matter because artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly overtaking civilization. AI is advancing in favor of the Deep State/Illuminati obviously targeting and replacing artificially-informed people.
That is, those who do and don’t ‘give a shit’ are subject to the same replacement by AI and transhumans/robots. AI is not susceptible to vaccine injuries, or endowed with free-will. The artificial intelligencia will not suffer from propaganda. Lacking accurate, honest, Divine intelligence will not matter.
In this advancing “New World Order” out of engineered and managed chaos, so-called ‘conscious’ or ‘enlightened’ people will be the first to be replaced as ‘enemies of state’ and ‘conscientious objectors.’ Suffering from total mind control, manipulated by mass persuasion via media indoctrination, people on both sides of the contrived ‘vaccine controversy’ will be replaced. It is unreasonable and irresponsible to predict otherwise, given the history of genocides that confront us.
The biotechnology to administer psycho-tronic warfare and mass depopulation instantaneously exists with modern advances of the old MULTRA mind control, social engineering, and related MKNAOMI depopulation programs.
In 1977, the late Senator Daniel Inouye chaired the unprecedented hearing on MKULTRA–the top secret joint Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and U.S. military biochemical and biological social/population control program. Co-chaired by the late Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, with Indiana Sen.Gary Hart, Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, and others attending, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) vetted more than the Frank Church Committee did in 1975, exposing COINTELPRO (the CIA/FBI’s Counter-intelligence Program). MKULTRA dovetailed with the military’s biological and chemical weapons used to control targeted populations. The subordinate biological, chemical, and radiation weapons program was code named MKNAOMI. MKNAOMI was largely administered through Litton Bionetics, the National Cancer Institute and the Special Virus Cancer Program that ran from 1962 to 1978.
In this industry now advancing nano-injectable biochips, consumers are especially leery about the risks. Officials conceal the capability of this biotechnology to resonate lethally specific frequencies to increase morbidity and mortality. The chips may be tuned, like radio signals and RFID chips, to damage individual genes, since genes are susceptible to damage from micro-currents. Citizens’ voluntarily providing blood and other tissue samples to discover their geneology, also discloses precise personal intelligence to Deep State companies, genetic engineers and data bankers, that could increase consumers susceptibility to termination. This is a ‘conspiracy reality’ more than a theory.
MKULTRA programs and programming now control(s) the entire population. This global operation, and the CULTure generated to accept it, has already maximally controlled and programmed civilization consistent with Huxley’s Brave New World.
So what are we actually losing? Lives already lost to fascist commercial deceptions?
Relief Offered by AI?
Given this perspective, and ‘enlightened’ view of the reality, artificial intelligence may provide relief.
AI offers intelligence without ethics, morals, or values susceptible to be undermined. At least we know our artificially-intelligent leaders and law-enforcers will have no spirituality, no decency, no moral integrity, to misapprehend, confuse or lose.
That’s more enlightening than the current system wherein the masses are hypno-tronically entranced in their illusions. ‘Political actions’ to ‘make a difference’ in the outer world are stymied without activists knowing the outer world has corrupted their inner worlds and worldviews.
It wasn’t AI that imposed ignorance falsely believed to be intelligence. It is unreasonable that AI will perform any more corruptly than corrupt humans or humans acting under the false presumption they know what they’re talking about.
The Illuminati (oligarchy) has effectively administered their MKULTRA/Protocols of the Elders of Sion objectives. This fact is painfully evident, especially obvious when switching back-and-forth between FOX News and MSNBC. All the news networks are aiding-and-abetting profiteering off of humanity’s suffering and confusion as aforementioned. So what’s left of sick and degenerated ‘intelligent’ humanity anyway?
Trump Caves to the Deep State
The timing of U.S. President Donald Trump’s statement on Friday, April 26, 2019, that “vaccinations are so important. This [measles] is really going around now. . . . [Children] have to get their shots,” was curiously contemporaneous with his exoneration by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on charges of Russian collusion in his 2016 election. Trump did an ‘about face’–a complete reversal on the vaccination question of safety which he had raised previously during debates. Trumps action corroborates the aforementioned intelligence and analysis recognizing Deep State control consistent with The Protocols.
Heralded by the corporate-controlled media, Trump’s measles vaccine endorsement didn’t make any sense on-its-face. The total loss/corruption of intelligence was grossly evident, for example, as Reuter’s reported, Americans were “to protect themselves with the measles vaccination as the number of cases of the once-eradicated disease in the United States hit the highest levels since 2000.” Neglecting for the sake of argument: (1) measles is not a very ‘lethal’ illness; but (2) MMR vaccine safety has been heavily controverted by published peer-reviewed science and the Merck package insert as well, how or why has a “once-eradicated disease in the United States” suddenly re-emerge? And why, with such high reported compliance rates for measles vaccinations, has measles’ outbreaks struck mostly children who had received the vaccines, whereas the media and legislators smear the small percentage of UN-VAXXED religious resisters?
The only reasonable answers lie in The Protocols and MKULTRA’s use of the Hegelian dialectic to muddle intelligence. These facts, coupled with the silence and censorship surrounding MKNAOMI biological warfare activities, best reconciles the irreconcilable, and permits comprehending the incomprehensible.
In this milieu of deadly, arguably demonic, social engineering, the ‘radical left’ condemned Trump for alleged ‘obstruction of justice.’ The media, CNN, MSNBC, and ABC commentators urged the President’s impeachment.
But obstruction of justice claimants against Trump are hypocritical and willfully-blind to the most deadly and demonic obstruction of justice. The ‘smoking gun’ for obstruction of justice is the fact that Trump now encourages Americans to get vaccinated with the MMR vaccine for a purported ‘measles emergency.’ “Get your children vaccinated,” he now says, with the vaccine that probably caused his own son Byron to be visibly damaged and mentally ill.
And Trump pledged to ‘Make America Great Again.” It is inconceivable that the yet-to-be-addequently-tested-for-safety MMR vaccine linked to massive brain damage in children, and such low levels of efficacy, could to anything but burden America and its economy most devastatingly. Doesn’t this evidence ‘obstruction of justice,’ even treason? Hasn’t Trump and the vaccine pushers in Congress seen this call for mass innoculations obstructing the justice and legislative ‘due process’ stonewalled in Bill Posey’s squelched ‘Vaccine Safety Act’?
Indeed, Big Pharma’s ‘Artificial Intelligence’ has impaired the President’s mental faculties. This, more than unfounded accusations of Russian collusion or obstruction of Mueller’s investigation adequately justifies impeachment proceedings for incompetence, if not treason.
The risk to the economy of having generations of brain damaged, incapacitated, euthenasia candidates is obvious and overwhelming. The risk to National Security enabling drug-pushing to control pains and illnesses caused by vaccine-induced injuries is enormous. These are certainly proper causes to indict and impeach Trump for treason. Yet, we don’t hear this from either side of the political isle. That’s unprecedented obstruction of justice.
Right now we’ve got global genocide and a vaccine cancer holocaust that makes all previous atrocities pale by comparison. Yet liberal voices in opposition are silent.
Knowledge itself is being obstructed. The opposite, ignorance, is being promoted. Isn’t this treasonous?
The concept that we have a ‘free market economy,’ promoted by a ‘free and reputable media,’ that secures ‘freedom of choice,’ is a deadly, arguably demonic, delusion. The frustration among citizens, especially activists, to understand what is happening is most reasonable. The Deep State impositions involve consumer fraud, such as with ‘vaccine hesitancy,’ resulting genocide.
Given the little-known administration of The Protocols‘ activities, MKULTRA objectives, and MKNAOMI population reduction capabilities, Deep State officials, their agents and agencies, should be indicted, prosecuted, and convicted for committing genocide and treason. But they will not be under the circumstances of the disabled citizenry.
Relief will either come from artificial intelligence (AI), or Divine intervention.
Where will you invest your faith?
Acknowledgments and Conflicting Interests
This author acknowledges presumed conflicting interests from having pioneered the field of music frequency therapy featuring the Solfeggio scale and especially the 528 frequency theoretically resonating ‘LOVE’ in A=444Hz/C=528Hz. The author’s presumed conflicts include grants of financial support and royalties from the sale of related products and therapeutic services that can be accessed online through HealthyWorldStore.com and other select vendors. The author also gratefully acknowledges the financial support from subscribing donors to 528Radio.com, co-launched by the author with investigative journalist, Sherri Kane, to administer “medicinal music” broadcasting as a free public service. Broadcasts include the author’s educational messages and product advertisements. The author proudly discloses alliances with health practitioners, organizations, and recording artists worldwide, who have established practices or produced salable works by “tuning-up” to the frequency of ‘LOVE 528’ for reasons explained in numerous publications by this author.
Readers responses:
“Can you believe this utter rubbish and propaganda output by the media! Nothing they say makes any sense. Thanks for explaining what we are witnessing!
This ‘fake news’ should at least get the facts right. What idiots they must think people are! Perhaps, they are!
Vaccinations are spreading diseases like crazy…. This could be a pre-empt for mandated vaccinations for EVERYONE! Chip time as you wrote!
There was also a big outbreak in New Gunea for polio…after it had been wiped-out years ago. So much for vax protection!”
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