An Anonymous video circulating states that the entire US presidential election is nearing an “explosive crisis” over a secretly made Israeli intelligence video recording showing former President Bill Clinton raping a 13-year-old girl child that Hillary Clinton has kept hidden from public knowledge with help from the American propaganda mainstream media—but by her embroiling Donald Trump in her husbands sex crimes now threatens it being released.
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Is this Anonymous Video The October Surprise?
Is this Anonymous Video The October Surprise?
According to this video, a video recording of Bill Clinton raping this 13-year-old girl child was “created/engineered” by Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (MOSSAD) “Clothing Shop Network” (Магазин/одежды/חנות בגדים) whose main “organizer/facilitator” is the “international money man of mystery” Jeffery Epstein—and who is now being called “The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton”.
MOSSADS “Clothing Shop Network”, this report explains, was originated in the early 1980’s by one of the most secretive billionaires in American named Leslie Wexner, and whose father (Harry Wexner—changed from Hagan Wexelstein) emigrated to the United States in the late 1930’s from the Jewish Autonomous Oblast (former Soviet Union).
The “Clothing Shop Network” name itself, this report continues, was derived from Leslie Wexner being one of America’s top clothiers—and who owns the US-based fashion retailers L Brands and Victoria’s Secret.
In 1982, SVR intelligence analysts in this report detail, Wexner recruited Jeffery Epstein into the “Clothing Shop Network” by providing him with an estimated $1 billion to establish a private financial firm named J. Epstein & Company—and that Wexner remains the firm’s biggest and the only publicly known client of.
The true purpose of J. Epstein & Company, however, this report continues, was to allow Jeffery Epstein to operate within the society circles of America’s political elites—and once “ensnaring his victims”, he allowed them to “fulfill” their most “deviant sexual fantasies”, while at the same time secretly video recording them for the “purpose of blackmail”.
Epstein’s “blackmail victims”, this report details, included many members of American’s and Britain’s elites—but with his “biggest/largest” catch being former President Bill Clinton—who was revealed by recently released flight logs revealed to have flown on Epstein’s private jet named “The Lolita Express” to the secluded “sex toy land” Caribbean island run by Epstein 26 times, while ditching his Secret Service protectors, and his failing to notice that this “den of sin” was wired with hidden cameras secretly recording his orgies with underage girls.
With Bill Clinton’s having had sex with young girl children, and Hillary Clinton being advised by the “Clothing Shop Network” that they had the secretly recorded videos proving it, this report says, she then masterminded a plot to set up Donald Trump as a “straw man” to be her opponent (and as emails prove) and was aided in this effort by America’s mainstream media who “provided/gave” to the New York City billionaire builder an estimated $3 billion in free media advertising so that he could become the Republican Party candidate for president.
The Hillary Clinton email (below) proving this plot, this report explains, shows her and her accomplices conspiring to set up Donald Trump as their “Pied Piper” candidate, with some of them suggesting that Senator Ted Cruz or Dr. Ben Carson could, likewise, be set up too.
To why Hillary Clinton and her accomplices selected Donald Trump to be their “straw man” “Pied Piper”, SVR intelligence analysts in this report explain, was due to his knowing Jeffery Epstein too—but who unlike Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and others who engaged in sex with young girls on “orgy island” never committed these grave crimes—and as attested to by Miami Police Detective Mike Fisten who investigated Epstein’s many crimes and stated that “in hundreds of interviews with hundreds of witnesses, no one has ever identified Trump as being involved in any kind of sexual activity with underage girls”.
In fact, this report says, Detective Fisten recalls learning in the early 2000s that members of Trump’s private Palm Beach club, Mar-a-Lago, complained that Epstein was often accompanied by very young girls–“a different girl every week”—each of whom he would refer to as “his niece”.
With Hillary Clinton and her accomplices believing they had neutralized Donald Trump by his merely knowing Epstein, however, and their further belief that the “avalanche of scandals” surrounding Trump would cause his campaign to collapse upon itself, this report continues, this New York City billionaire, instead, has “defied all normal logic” and is nearing winning the US presidency.
In a “last chance” bid to destroy Donald Trump, however, SVR intelligence analysts in this report state, Hillary Clinton and her accomplices have now paid off a number of Bill Clinton’s rape victims to change their story saying that Trump had raped them—the details of which are contained in a US Federal Court filing making these absurd allegations.
With Hillary Clinton having already proven she will kill to protect the public from knowing of her husbands crimes against young girl children (and as we previously reported on in our 2 June 2016 report Husband Of Prosecutor Investigating Bill Clinton For Child Sex Charges Gunned Down), this report concludes, the next “event” in this “most dangerous of games” will be determined by MOSSAD’s “Clothing Shop Network”—and if the past is a predictor of the future knowing how the Israelis work to keep their nation safe, someone will surely die before this plays itself out.
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