“’PAKISTAN VACCINATION MASSACRE’: What it Means for BigPharma Whistleblowers and Consumer Health Activists in America” by Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard Horowitz
Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard Horowitz Explain What the “PAKISTAN VACCINATION MASSACRE” Forebodes for BigPharma Nemesis and Health Activists in America
Polio, Politics and the “Holy War”
On Dec. 18, 2012, CBS News reported that militants in Pakistan killed 5 women working for a U.N.-backed polio vaccination program. Another 5 men were gunned-down in anti-vaccination clashes with military personnel accompanying “health workers.”
The attacks unofficially signal a “Holy War” against the medical establishment that, indeed, has been abused by Western intelligence agencies to infiltrate and intoxicate targeted nations and populations, according to massive evidence compiled in Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? by the co-author of this report, Dr. Leonard Horowitz.
Pakistani officials said the massacre was a major setback for the polio vaccination campaign that United Nations, World Health Organization, officials consider vital to containing the crippling disease, but which vaccination opponents agree may be a cover for espionage, human rights abuses, iatrogenesis, and global depopulation (i.e., genocide.)
Diagnosing a “Holy War”
If it is true that Taliban “radicals” committed these murderous acts for political gains in protest to vaccinations and CIA covert operations, this extends a long-seething “Holy War” against Western industrialists behind the medical establishment.
The “Pakistani Vaccination Massacre” also declares a “religious war” against United Nations policies and programs that aid-and-abet human rights violations disregarding established orthodoxies in the religious world. Each of the major religions, all monotheistic, credit a Spiritual Source for existence and sustenance above Wall Street.
It is no secret that religious fundamentalists, and the vast majority of naturalists and aboriginal people worldwide, consider vaccinations radically genocidal. Vaccination practices, considered the “sacred cow of public health” and “modern medicine,” threatens traditional faiths and healing practices by direction of corporations suspiciously linked to industrialists guilty of administering a number of genocides. This fact was documented by medical sociologist, Steven J. Kunitz, more than a dozen years ago, and published in the conservative American Journal of Public Health (2000;90:1531-1539).
This tragedy marks the first recorded use of terrorism to protest vaccinations, and raises many questions for activists and consumers best answered by critical analysis.
The subject of media connections and subversions by intelligence agencies was censored during the Church Senate hearings because these revelations were foremost powerful and potentially damaging to the Rockefeller-controlled global enterprise. The creation and aggression of terrorist organizations as “Controlled Opposition,” heralded by the “Controlled Media,” functions to divide and conquer people in all ethnic and religious groups.
With the advent of the Internet, Kunitz’s determinations have received widespread notice, as has previously secret “proprietary ingredients” and “adjuvants” in vaccinations, including sterilizing agents (e.g., nonoxynol-9 spermicide) objectionable to religious persons. Thus, heated debate is increasing, and anticipated to become more aggressive with additional despicable acts of terrorism with rising awareness that vaccine industrialists view vaccinations as the most efficient way to reduce global populations, contrary to common knowledge.
Fundamental objections to First Amendment violations by government programs, policies, and involvements by the U.N.’s WHO, have made headline news beyond “Christian” objections to “family planners.” The Roman Catholic Church openly opposed intoxicating unsuspecting “patients” with sterilizing agents more than a decade ago. Besides violating human rights and religious freedom, “forced vaccinations” violate informed consent laws.
The hypocrisy surrounding vaccinations and World Bank bribes to nations compliant with imposed policies is blatant and reprehensible, given certain facts. Financial incentives aid-and-abet commercial interests more than governments or the people in this matter of “public health.” These programs are contrived for depopulation, not merely “prevention.” These acts are viewed by reasonable people as outrageous, chilling, and reprehensible. Aboriginals and naturalists agree with the world’s religious orthodoxy–the act of “murder by injection” is “ungodly.”
Surreptitiously called “immunizations” for alleged “health protection,” typically believed to be life-saving and longevity extending, the practice of vaccinations is projected to reduce the world’s population by 15%, according to Bill Gates–the world’s leading vaccine industry donor.
Legal Precedent in America
The earliest American event signaling a “Holy War” over this matter of religious freedom, versus police State enforcement of vaccination policies benefiting drug industry special interests (arguably exclusively), occurred in Massachusetts in 1905. Jacobsen v. Massachusetts established the legal precedent in the U.S.A. “Christian Nation,” giving States power over matters of public health for supposedly the good of the community. The “separation of church and state” was seriously diffused in Jacobsen’s case, in deference to religious objectors, damaging the defendant’s ministry and invoking a $5 fine.
A scholarly review of Jacobsen was published by Lawrence O. Gostin, JD, in “Jacobson v Massachusetts at 100 Years: Police Power and Civil Liberties in Tension” (Am J Public Health. 2005 April; 95(4): 576–581), wherein Gostin questioned, “Would Jacobson be decided the same way today?”
Gostin answered diplomatically, but unfavorably for the State. He concluded “importance and the enduring meaning of the most famous decision in the realm of public health law,” was likely to be overturned by new and emerging revelations about risks.
The “reasonable person” standard would no doubt affect Courts and juries’ indictments of vaccines and drug companies that have been legislatively indemnified against lawsuits.
Reasonable people are horrified by the morbidity and mortality data ascribable only to official malfeasance and genocidal intent. Given the history of 21st Century genocides reviewed by Kunitz, and current vaccine investors and investments, people are increasingly appalled by the fraud linked to skyrocketing rates of vaccine-related injuries, including autistic spectrum disorders and many types of cancers.
In other words, if courts became aware of the material evidence proving vaccinations’ use for global depopulation, juries would be outraged. Knowledge of this “slow kill” method of “pharmaceutical warfare” is revolting.
Thus, the Jacobson decision would be overturned.
Revisiting Jacobson v. Massachusetts
Contrary to Jacobson’s day, courts today would be confronted by vaccination campaign fraud, such as protested globally and reputably during the 2009 H1N1 “swine flu outbreak” that much evidence condemned as a “false flag” commercial hoax benefiting exclusively the pharmaceutical industry at great risk to humanity.
“The [1901] outbreak reignited the smallpox immunization debate, and there was plenty of hyperbole on both sides.
“Antivaccinationists launched a ‘scathing attack:’ compulsory vaccination is “‘the greatest crime of the age,’ it ‘slaughter[s] tens of thousands of innocent children,’ and it ‘is more important than the slavery question, because it is debilitating the whole human race.’
“The antivaccinationists gave notice that compulsory powers ‘will cause a riot.’ Their influence was noticeable and resulted in a ‘conscience clause’ from the British Parliament that exempted any parent who can ‘satisfy Justices in petty sessions that he conscientiously believes that vaccination would be prejudicial to the health of the child.’
“The response of the mainstream media was equally shrill. The media characterized the debate as ‘a conflict between intelligence and ignorance, civilization and barbarism.’ The New York Times stated, ‘No enemy of vaccination could ask better than to have England’s compulsory vaccination law nullified by that [conscience] clause’; the paper referred to antivaccinationists as a ‘familiar species of crank,’ whose arguments are ‘absurdly fallacious.’”
[Note: Gostin neglected to report the New York Times was published by Arthur Hays Sulzberger, on the Board of Trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation, aiding-and-abetting whatever cause the Rockefeller and Carnegie families advanced commercially and politically.]
Gostin continued, “The mainstream media continued its campaign against the ‘jabberings’ of ‘hopeless cranks’ for years by continuing to depict them as ‘ignorant’ and ‘deficient in the power to judge [science].’
“Before Jacobson, the state courts were heavily engaged in the vaccination controversy, and their judgments were markedly deferential to public health agencies: ‘Whether vaccination is or is not efficacious in the prevention of smallpox is a question with which the courts declare they have no concern.’”
“The courts routinely found school vaccination requirements constitutional. To be sure, some courts invoked a standard of ‘necessity,”’but without strong safeguards of individual liberty.
“The courts mostly decided vaccination cases on the basis of administrative rather than constitutional law. They recognized states’ police power to delegate authority to public health agencies or boards of health. In the rare instances where limits were imposed, it was because a board exceeded its statutory authority or because the courts construed that authority as requiring a state of emergency.
“A person’s bona fide belief against vaccination was not a sufficient excuse for noncompliance; however, a person could be exempted because of a physical condition that posed a particular risk for adverse effects. The states compelled vaccination only indirectly—by imposing penalties, denying school admission, or quarantining.
Recently, the government’s power over matters of public health was extended with the Supreme Court favoring mandatory taxation for “‘health insurance’ for all Americans,” and “required vaccinations” are certain to be imposed by the “insurers.”
In Jacobsen’s day, the media, political climate, and public health policies and perceptions were biased, and societally-influenced, by the Carnegie and Rockefeller family’s especially. Their special (drug industry) interests and influence, impacting the “pop-culture” at that time, and the court’s decision, cannot be under-stated. The special interests behind the media in granting public health officials’ authority over your body, and civilization’s destiny, cannot be underestimated. This is especially true in light of the influence of industrial eugenicists funding institutions and foundations indoctrinating society by engineering mentality, beliefs, and attitudes towards vaccinations, and the “miracles of modern medicine,” beginning in the early part of the twentieth century.
Globalization Pains: Symptoms of Hypocrisy
Today, the Rockefeller family’s influence remains largely concealed and unprecedented. Their profit motive extends over the energy industry, OPEC, the U.N., World Bank, World Health Organization, the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel, the national security state in America, the CIA, and the “pop-CULTure” engineered by the “PharmaMedia” abusing the “Entertainment Industry” to facilitate globalization along with gross reductions in burgeoning populations.
These results of corporate-controlled “globalization” affecting increasing aggression, division between various religions and ethnic groups, fear, and dependance on drugs and vaccines, is relevant to, even fundamental to, the acts of murderous aggression attributed to the Taliban in the Pakistani Vaccination Massacre.
In essence, the actions of the international banking cartel, especially the Rothschild League of banks, and the Rockefeller-controlled World Bank that finances the U.N and WHO, and the WASP-envisioned transition to a “global economy” (i.e., “globalization”), including “urgent” vaccinations, threatens humanity’s extinction given the risk of lab-virus mutations, and petrochemical-pharmaceutical pollution risking many other species, cultures, and even religions as explained by Kunitz (Ibid.)
Krippner, in fact, predicts the “Future of Religions” based on hallucinogenic drug trips, considering Eli Lily’s and Sandoz pharmaceutical company’s manufacture, distribution, and experimentation with LSD by the CIA. These “social experiments” gave rise to the recent increase in “ayahuasca churches” that practice “community medicine” employing marijuana and the controlled narcotic DMT to gain “spiritual content” and commune with God.
Energy Industrialists & “Immunization” Protests
In the words of George H.W. Bush, in his 1988 presidential nomination speech, “a kinder and gentler” America was promised with “1,000 points of light,” reflecting humanitarianism and volunteerism to address national and international problems serving a “New World Order.” At the same time, he rabidly increased anti-Islamic rhetoric.
Prior to the August 1, 1990, invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, Bush and his American corporate allies had supplied Hussein with military equipment and even biological weapons for the invasion. Bush then condemned the invasion and began rallying opposition to Iraq in the US and among European, Asian, and Middle Eastern allies.
Less obvious, but most reckless, is the fact that the Taliban’s main funding has come from the same administrators of geopolitics, economics, vaccination policies, media propaganda, and societal control.
Bush’s energy-industry-savvy Vice President and Secretary of Defense, Richard Bruce “Dick” Cheney, traveled to Saudi Arabia to meet with King Fahd, who supposedly requested US military aid in the matter, fearing a possible invasion of his country as well.
This history is significant for at least two reasons: 1) Saudi Arabia and its beneficiary, the United Arab Emirates, along with Pakistan, are the only three nations to originally endorse diplomatic recognition of the Taliban by the U.N.; and 2) Cheney is known as a “major player” in the energy establishment and corporate America, and a major enemy of the Taliban.
Under Bush, Sr., Cheney served as Secretary of Defense during the Iraq invasion, replacing CIA director Frank Carlucci, who is implicated in the vaccine transmission of HIV/AIDS in Africa during the early 1970s, according to the documented evidence compiled by Horowitz in Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional?–a book credited by CDC officials as having largely prompted the vaccine risk-awareness movement globally.
Cheney was also a member of the board of advisors of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) before becoming vice president.[42]
On February 27, 2007, a Taliban suicide bomber allegedly targeted Cheney, but killed 23 others and wounded 20 more outside Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan during a visit by the vice president. The Taliban claimed, unreliably, that Osama Bin Laden supervised the operation.
The Report From Iron Mountain Agenda
All of this deadly activity is consistent with the “small manageable wars” policy that followed in the aftermath of The Report From Iron Mountain, that recommended economic substitutes for the commercial functions of large-scale wars, involving thermonuclear risks.
America has since been commandeered by similar globalist think tanks representing multi-national corporate interests– organizations such as the Bilderberger Group, Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations that have empowered the U.N.’s “World Court,” World Bank, World Health Organization, and the “peacekeepers,” all administered in sync with globalist policies enriching investment capitalists.
This public knowledge, readily available on the Internet, is the Taliban’s justification to commit murderous acts of aggression in protest to ongoing and mounting “globalization,” featuring corporate-controlled, commercial, anti-Islam, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, anti-Buddhist, pro-drug, human rights violations.
Less obvious, but most reckless, is the fact that the Taliban’s main funding has come from the same administrators of geopolitics, economics, vaccination policies, media propaganda, and societal control.
Control By The Banking/Energy/Drug Cartel
According to substantial research and material evidence, the Taliban would not exist as a political force if not for the money they receive from the wealthiest OPEC nations, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, nations whose oil is largely owned by the Rockefeller-family, Rockefeller Foundation, Chase Bank, and allied investors.
“Controlled Opposition” Psyops
In essence, the anti-vaccination agenda of the Taliban is commercially administered as a form of “controlled opposition.”
That is, in order to control those opposed to vaccinations, the CIA, and the drug cartel at large, opposition is funded, developed, and controlled (largely by discrediting the opponents or “dissidents”) obviating the need to defend against legitimate revolutionaries and revolts risking the status quo of the Rockefeller/Rothschild-dominated “New World Order.”
To emphasize this point, propaganda in the U.S. indicates the Pakistani U.N. Vaccination-team massacre was administered to protest CIA operations within the United Nations polio eradication program. There is substantial evidence in the history of so-called “humanitarian relief” organizations to support this assertion.
Not only did the Rockefeller family play a decisive role in the institutionalization of “public health” and vaccination policies globally through the U.N. and allied agencies and NGOs, such as UNICEF, the American Red Cross and the Peace Corps, but the formation of the CIA from the OSS at the end of WWII was directly administered from within the IG Farben petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel’s headquarters in Frankfort, Germany—a vast corporate complex that was purposely, virtually exclusively, protected from allied bombings for this purpose. The commercial protection was directed by Rockefeller intelligence agents William J. Donovan, and later John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles.
A review of polio and smallpox eradication efforts by BigPharma’s “missionaries” in Africa, evidences repeated use of the Peace Corps., and other supposedly humanitarian organizations, to infiltrate nations with spies and saboteurs.
Frank Carlucci, III, is included here as having served covertly in the Congo during the late 1960-70s Special Virus Cancer Program experiments linked to African vaccines contaminated with HIV/AIDS, according to substantial material evidence published in Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional?
Later, Carlucci served as Ambassador to Portugal, overseeing the African intelligence gathering community as hepatitis B vaccine experiments triggering AIDS in Central Africa and New York City contemporaneously occurred.
The fraud perpetuated by the administration of Rockefeller-directed agents, agencies, foundations, and institutions, has become most apparent in recent years. Most recently, the derelict distribution of donations in New York by the Rockefeller family’s New York City Blood Council’s progeny–the American Red Cross–following the “Frankenstorm” (Hurricane Sandy) in Oct. 2012, is noteworthy.
The Rockefeller family and their foundation(s) not only built the U.N. headquarters in New York City, but established America’s Public Health Service, committing the vast majority of funding for research and developments in genetic engineering, biotechnology, and the vaccine industry during the twentieth century. Other financial backers of innovations in “public health” were, like the petrochemical industrialists, heavily invested in, or “interlocked” with, Rockefeller entities.
Political Predictions for Anti-Vaccination “Terrorists”
Given the post 9/11 “Patriot Act’s” presidential power to target and label journalists and activists who oppose government policies as “terrorists,” these authors predict the Taliban’s anti-vaccination aggression will justify false arrests and malicious prosecutions of U.S. citizens, including potentially these authors as alleged “Enemies of State,” simply for telling the truth about vaccinations in relation to corporate corruption.
This prediction is partly based on a review of human rights violations discovered and condemned by the U.S. Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, chaired by the honorable Idaho Senator, Frank Church, in 1976. The “Church Committee” determined that the traditional role and authority of the National Security Agency (NSA) had become murderously corrupted by actions of a covert organization directed by the FBI called COINTELPRO. The Committee reported that social and political controls administered by the CIA through the FBI, the covert-operations of COINTELPRO (i.e. the Counter-Intelligence Program), were part of the CIA’s MKULTRA media “mind-control” function or “psychological operation” (i.e., a “PSYOPS”).
The creation and aggression of terrorist organizations as “Controlled Opposition,” heralded by the “Controlled Media” directed by COINTELPRO “agent-provocateurs,” functions to divide and conquer people, especially religious persons.
The purpose of this covert organization is to aid-and-abet, “population management” using “dirty tricks,” including defamation to discredit targets, industrial sabotage, and when all else fails, assassinations. (Click CHURCH INVESTIGATION excerpts on COINTELPRO.pdf to review relevant material.)
The COINTELPRO presents the greatest threat to human rights and Constitutional freedoms in America, the Committee reported. The covert operation, unknown to most FBI agents and police officers across America, is ongoing today, despite propaganda claiming otherwise.
In fact, given the Internet that captures more human resources than any previous media in history, the intelligence community’s COINTELPRO has never been more active and successful, largely from surveying, data-collecting, and controlling cyberspace.
This covert intelligence activity involves Google, Inc. and the Wikipedia Foundation. These entities facilitate propaganda to secure “WASP” commercial investments using “PSYOPS”–sophisticated psychological operations for social conditioning.
The news media, including the Internet, is pivotal to creating and sustaining favorable public opinion about “manageable wars” in nations such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Koreas.
The media foments fear, hate, and divisions between people of all nations, religions, and ethnicities for commercial advantage.
This topic of COINTELPRO media clout was censored during the Church Senate hearings because these revelations were most damning to the Rockefeller-controlled global enterprise that Vice President Nelson Rockefeller administered with his brothers. This is the main reason the Nixon White House withheld intelligence from the hearings committee.
The creation and aggression of terrorist organizations as “Controlled Opposition,” heralded by the “Controlled Media” directed by COINTELPRO “agent-provocateurs,” functions to divide and conquer people, especially religious persons.
The Koran, the Torah, and the New Testament each prohibit blood ritual abuses and contaminations. This is considered “Divine Law,” substantive to the deepest convictions of religious people and spiritualists.
Add to these religious prohibitions and human rights infringements a long bloody history of CIA involvement in funding terrorists, terrorist organizations and fascist regimes, and fomenting terrorist attacks for geopolitics and economics, including Osama bin Laden’s assignments in Afghanistan courtesy of the Bush family, Carlyle Group, and the CIA, and any reasonable person would conclude the Pakistan Vaccination Massacre reflects a long history of criminal psychopathology among our most trusted politicians and their “Enemies of State,” such as the Taliban.
Summary and Conclusion:
Parallels to the Newtown Connecticut Massacre
There are certain parallels between the mass shooting of 26 people, mostly children, in the Newtown Connecticut Massacre, and the slaying of 10 people, including 5 military personnel escorting the vaccination providers in Pakistan.
Both events express psychopathology and sociopathology, impact us politically, and challenge common sense condemning BigPharma’s underlying lethal influence.
In the U.S., more important than “gun control” considerations now debated by partisan politicians, is the neglected fact that nearly every mass murderer and serial killer on record was under the influence of prescription drugs.
The Taliban’s protest against, allegedly, the CIA for espionage conducted under the guise of “polio eradication” has been spun by the media to neglect the underlying pathology–the drug-cartel’s influence.
America is, thus, at war with itself. Civil unrest, in both examples, is fueled by the PharmaMedia that rewards, glorifies, and popularizes murderous aggression, whether by vaccinations or other assault weapons.
The Taliban’s violation of human rights in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the right to life of Pakistani nurses as an example, is as loathsome as anything BigPharma does on a larger scale, with the genocide of WWII as an example.
The Taliban’s existence and aggression reflects this hypocrisy–America’s war with itself and subjugation by the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel whose executives direct Wall Street and the White House.
OPEC may as well be an acronym for “Oppressive Population Execution Corporation,” given the fact that the Rockefeller family’s Exxon/Mobil, Standard Oil Co. and the British Royal family investments in the Energy/Drug Cartel features Taliban supporting United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, funding the Taliban for protection of their human rights to religious beliefs in orthodox Islamic traditions, akin to orthodox Judaism, or Catholicism, each evolved from monotheism and common biblical roots.
The implications of this intelligence predicts the Anglo-American depopulation establishment will blame anti-vaccinationists through the PharmaMedia for inciting the Taliban’s attacks, as a diversion from its administration of genocide by injection.
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